Blessings, Health & A Gift From The Dying
In these intervening months since my last post, the unexpected deaths of two close relatives gave me the opportunity to fully experience the meaning of both “blessings” and “health.”
My most beloved aunt, and a dear beloved cousin, both with cancers under control, suddenly came out of remission. Poof – years turned into days, days turned into hours, and then from dust to dust as the saying goes.
While it did not feel like a blessing to watch relatives leave this dimension, there is much to be learned from the process.
I learned that gracefully letting your loved ones go leaves more opportunity to share a connection than does hanging on with fear and panic.
I learned that people die as they live. In this case, both lived and died with grace, concern for others and perhaps a new power to claim what they needed for themselves. Ill health can create a streamlined focus on one’s own needs, joys and creative outlet, which are often superseded in favor of others’ needs throughout a lifetime of service.
I learned that the dying often are more at peace with the process than those of us who are temporarily left behind.
I learned that when they are straddling the dimensions, physical touching (such as stroking the hair) that once brought pleasure, may jolt them back to material reality from a visit they were having with loved ones who were welcoming them on the other side.
I learned that ill health in yourself or others can bring out a greater appreciation for each moment, for things that bring joy. The first bumblebee of spring — noted absentmindedly in previous springs — turns into a miracle of rebirth.
I learned that New-Agey Wisdom spouted by well-meaning friends (not to mention “it was bound to happen sooner or later” type comments) are less comforting than simple chestnuts such as “I am sorry, I know you will miss him.”
What is health?
Health pretty much has the meaning we give it during our life here on Earth. We can bemoan every issue, every ache or pain. Or we can embrace the day with joy no matter what.
And what of Blessings? Just take a look around …
Posted: July 13th, 2008 under Uncategorized.
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