Widgets and Non-Attachment
Making my way, slowly, through a myriad of technical options and necessities, I discovered that this space is “widget-ready.”
Back in the day, a widget was “no thing” — the point of the word was that it represented not a thing at all. An “un-named article considered for the purpose of hypothetical example.”
Now, apparently, a widget is a real thing that is ready and waiting to be installed here, undoubtedly for some marvelous purpose. Which bolsters the concept of non-attachment, an important subject we shall address in due time.
In this case, it will not benefit me to hang on to the concept that a widget is not a thing. Refusing to accept a change in perception about the meaning of this word might prevent me from taking advantage of a great design or tool that will improve appearance or function.
For now, back to the drawing board. The widget-ready drawing board, of course …
Posted: November 16th, 2007 under Uncategorized.
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